FINAL CUT _ 14th January @Bootshaus, Berlin

Die Welt weint. Deshalb werden wir Eimer aufstellen. Die Welt will darüber sprechen. Deshalb werden wir unsere Ohren aufsperren. Die Welt will ausflippen. OK. Dann werden die Platten sich non-stop drehen. Ihr wollt trinken. Von mir aus. Ein letztes Mal an unserer Seite weilen, vom unersättlichen Spirit abhaben, dem unfehlbaren Magnetismus noch einmal komplett ausgeliefert…

WURFSENDUNG: “Auf, auf! Zum Vagabundenkongress!”

Dear Listeners, “Auf, auf! Zum Vagabundenkongress!” (Gregor Gog & Maiden Monsters, 2015) So heißt die neue Serie, die wir für DeutschlandradioKultur produziert haben. Hört selbst: now that you thought you will never hear anything from us anymore – we just put ourselves back to the radio. just in time, one year after the last congress…


11.12.13 Volksbühne Berlin. an evening of documentary film and concert together with Pussy Riot, hands up-excitement and The Real Baba Dunyah!! We scream „hands up for pussy riot“ and we mean it. It’s not about protest or politics or critical movement.. It’s simply about Rights. human Rights! So book a plane, train or some kind…

The Cult of Crisis

Eine Expedition nach Portugal, Spanien und Frankreich mit sound development city “On a balmy summer evening in Marseille we perform an exorcism. We dance! Circling around our altar like dervishes, incited by images of places of crisis, we beseech the power of ecstasy, we call upon you, crisis! We dance on your territory, we dance…

our biography in numbers & years

2016 Sound of Crisis in Luxembourg, 24.1.16 2015 SPIELART festival – Sound of Crisis in Munich IMPULSE festival – Sound of Crisis at Ringlokschuppen Mülheim Wurfsendungen zum Vagabundenkongress, ab Juli 2015 forever and randomly bei DeutschlandradioKultur 2014 Sound of Crisis – the greek volume -research goes on in Saloniki and Athens, Sep 2015; presentation at…

where we come from

Angefangen hat alles 2007 mit der simplen Idee, den Starrummel aus Theaterperspektive einmal näher zu untersuchen. Anstatt aber eine Arbeit über die meinungsbildenden Mechanismen der GALA zu machen, entschieden wir, selbst eine glamourö̈se Band zu performen. Um dann in Basel innerhalb von vier Wochen so berühmt wie möglich zu werden. Klammheimlich gelang es uns, in…

GREECE – Thessaloniki

You’ve been waiting long!! FINALLY first documents from Thessaloniki, Greece..besides many conversations and beautiful music sessions with with former strangers, we also went to see some places. no, not the olymp, but for example VIO.ME – a self administrated factory in Thessaloniki. Solidarity clinic, Skouries, Alexis Tsipras………. yet to come…………………  

Wir schwindeln nie.

Am Mittwoch, 26. März, präsentieren wir den “sound of crisis” in der Akademie der Künste, Berlin. Es geht noch immer um diese Krise, von der keiner mehr spricht, die deshalb aber noch nicht weg ist. Start der Diskussion 17 Uhr und wir fahren den sound um 19.30 Uhr ab. Alle weiteren Infos HIER! Lustig wird es…

La dernière crise

thursday, 19.12.13 sophiensaele Berlin: guest appearance at the world’s most famous show about&with women on the edge of humour. subject this time: bitter bitter. and us inbetween. go get an idea here


sure – all of you should have been there! sure – all of you should have been listening. SURE – all of you should have been doing it. together – with us. but since you can’t be in different places at the same time, we recorded it for YOU! so here it finally goes out…

DAY NINE – videoblog #sdc2013

ZARAGOZA!! – the downer on our “tour of crisis”.. trying hard to convince Opel that we have to meet their workers, but no freakin’ chance. just a big enterprise like every big enterprise, no matter if in the middle of a desert or in the middle of a zoo… Zaragoza was a mistake, but then…

THIS is NOT Detroit.. #sdc2013

this is not detroit.., ein Album auf Flickr. ..and it ain’t california either! It’s Bochum. and we’re freezing like hell. not only the cold pulls us back into German reality. how do you spell xenophobia…? BUT we also made a lot of new friends and and had our own little demonstration.. (and where did we…

DAY EIGHT – videoblog #sdc2013

MADRID – beginning of October – taking part in a demonstration against “desahucios”, a very common thing nowadays in Spain. desahucios means Zwangsenteignung means eviction. we are trying to take part in saying “No”, trying to support a movement, trying to understand. though it’s hard to understand. what’s happening with all these empty houses once…

MARSEILLE – final destination #sdc2013

..and the hottest night this year 2013.. presenting the “sound of crisis” to Marseille and the rest of this small world. yes, we fell in love! with the sun, the sea and all those sounds. and we refuse to forget. change is gonna come right now! be prepared.